The same great flavor, color and consistency that you love with FUBAR has been kicked up with the addition of fiery habanero mash. This sauce is perfect for your Butts and Ribs and is AMAZING on wings!
FUBAR Elite: For Use on Butts And Ribs! Don’t let that fool you though, this award-winning sauce goes great on everything from egg sandwiches to smoked salmon. The beautiful color of FUBAR will set your meat apart from the competition and the amazing sweet and tangy flavor profile will give your meat the winning edge! This sauce was forged in the battles of competition BBQ and perfected over the years. In 2017, F.U.B.A.R. won 1st Place in HEB’s Quest For Texas Best, beating out over 600 products from across the state of Texas.
WarPig BBQ: F.U.B.A.R. Flamethrower, 21oz
As we battled along the competition trail, we discovered a need for elite bbq products. Not just the same smoky sauces but unique flavor profiles not available anywhere on the market. Every one of our products is competition tested for months prior to launch. By doing this, we have truly forged the most Elite products available today. in 2017, FUBAR Elite BBQ Sauce won HEB Grocery's Quest For Texas BEst.